Moin Heinz,
wie es scheint, liest Bart hier regelmäßig mit :-) Na, immerhin ein Versionssprung von 3.0.x auf 3.1.0 - und dem stattlichen Ausmaß des Changelogs nach zu urteilen, ist dieser Sprung anscheinend auch gerechtfertigt. Und das alles hat sich seit 3.0.32 geändert:
# PE Builder changes (from v3.0.32 until v3.1.0)
v3.1.0 public
Changes to pebuilder.exe:
- Fixed a bug when adding storage drivers. PE Builder did not add the last
line from the "" section.
Changed items:
- the help files (help\*.htm) have been updated.
- Updated plugin\ramdisk\ramdriv.sys to v5.2.10.2m. Should fix freezing
problems on boot when running on Virtual PC.
- Updated pebuilder.inf, added traffic.dll (needed for pathping.exe)
- Updated graphics with "v3.1.x"
Added items:
- added plugin\ultravnc. VNC can be run in server mode, so you can connect
to BartPE system.
Removed items:
- added plugin\vncviewer. You should now use ultravnc.
v3.0.37 beta
Changes to pebuilder.exe:
- Fixed a bug when adding some network drivers. PE Builder did not handle
empty Sections correctly and reported something like "Error: Section
"DEFAULTDESTDIRS" does not exist..."
- Fixed program crash when hitting Escape key while building.
- Changed default font to tahoma, this way pebuilder also looks nice when
running in BartPE. Yes pebuilder runs fine on BartPE.
v3.0.36 beta
Changes to pebuilder.exe:
- Fixed a bug when adding some network drivers. PE Builder did not handle
the INF DestinationDirs Section correct as described in Windows DDK Device
- Fixed a bug when adding some network drivers. PE Builder did not select the
correct CopyFiles Section.
New items:
- added a first version of my own network configuration GUI (netconfig.exe)
You can find it in the menu as system->network->Load Network Support (GUI)
Changes to pebuilder.exe:
- Added hnetcfg.dll to pluging\bartpe\bartpe.inf, to fix filesharing trouble with winxp/sp2.
- Filtered out "disk" and "tape" devices from the devicelist combobox.
- Added an advanced option to enable absolute output path.
- Fixed problem with compressed driver files (for example "yk51x86.sy_") in
drivers folder.
- Fixed problem with some network drivers, where pebuilder complains about a
section not having a copyfiles key. Pebuilder produced an error something like:
Error: File "c:\...\drivers\Net\cb102\CB102B.Reg" does not exist...
- Fixed "cdrecord: No such file or directory" error when path to iso image
contained spaces.
- Many small internal code changes.
Changed items:
- Updated plugin\ramdisk\ramdriv.sys to v5.2.10.1
- Updated nu2menu to v0.3.49 (now supports hidden menu items)
- Change plugin\bartpe, added the new Network Configuration Tool (netconfig.exe)
added Load Fileshare Support (msserver.cmd) and some other small changes.
Changes to pebuilder.exe:
- Output directory is automatically created when using "-auto" argument.
- Added CD burning (cdrecord.exe). Using Reanimatolog's Win32/Mingw32
version 2.01 of mkisofs.exe and cdrecord.exe for this.
There is also a erase option and a combobox for selecting the writer
- Fixed a bug in processing driver INF files (in drivers folder), this
caused intel drivers failing to load (error 5 access denied). Now all
sections (not only the first) from a copyfiles line are processed.
Changed items:
- pebuilder.inf: Removed [BuildISO] exec values. Use the GUI to change
burning option. I will add more customized options in next version.
- Some small changes.
Changes to pebuilder.exe:
- Completely new user interface. Because of this alot has changed!
- Changed the icon.
- Changed the splash screen.
- When you start PE Builder for the first time, you must agree to the
license agreement.
- On first build the windows end-user license agreement (eula.txt) is shown.
- Added "skip building registry" and "skip building files" in the option
screen for advanced users.
- Added "Build ISO (F5)" option to the "Builder" menu to quickly rebuild
the ISO image.
- New command line options:
-auto -exit -overwrite -verbose -skipregistry -skipfiles -buildiso
See help index "Commandline options" for more info.
- PE Builder now returns the number of errors while building as the
- When pebuilder starts building it first completely erases the output
folder. This is somewhat dangerous. Imagine what would happen if a user would
select c:\windows as the output path. So pebuilder now only accepts an
output path relative to the pebuilder directory. For example if you would
enter "BartPE" as the output path and pebuilder is located in your
"c:\pebuilder" directory the full output path becomes "c:\pebuilder\BartPE"
- A few very small engine bug fixes.
- A lot of other small changes and enhancements.
New items:
- Included a new plugin "zz_peloader" that contains peloader.exe and
peshutdown.exe created by Pierre Mounir (TheTruth). PELoader is a shell loader
that removes the resource limits (user resources limit & 24 hour time limit)
from BartPE in a legal way, no need for any patches.
Thanks Pierre!!!
- New way of adding network drivers. Just create a new folder in "drivers\Net"
and drop all vendor nic driver files in that new folder and pebuilder will automatically
include those drivers.
- New way of adding storage drivers. Just create a new folder in
"drivers\SCSIAdapter" and drop storage driver files in that new folder. PE
Builder will automatically include those drivers. Please note that PE Builder
needs the drivers "txtsetup.oem" file and it ignores the *.inf driver files.
- Added a slipstream dialog that helps less advanced users to slipstream
their windows installation files. See menu "source->slipstream".
Changed items:
- plugin\ghost8, some small changes
- plugin\nu2menu, new version and some small changes to menu xml file.
- split plugin\bartpe and plugin\penetcfg into 2 separate plugins.
- updated penetcfg to v2.20
- removed plugin\nic_xxx, use the new way of adding drivers!
- removed plugin\dsk_xxx, use the new way of adding drivers!
Das werde ich zum Anlass nehmen, mir über die Feiertage mal die 3.1.0 zu brennen. Ich hüte hier immer noch mit der 3.0.18 herum *schäm*... aber bei der Frequenz, mit der zu jener Zeit neue Versionen herauskamen, hat es sich ja bald gar nicht mehr gelohnt, sich die aktuellste zu brennen bzw. wenn, dann nur so wie du das immer machst: auf CD-RW.