Nachdem Van womögliche Manipulationen am SYSMark2002 aufdeckte, musste er insbesondere von THG harte Schläge einstecken:
I want to apologize for the information disclosed here. Tom has hurt a lot of people, and he will continue to do so unless someone pushes back.
Winding Down
Dear Readers,
We appreciate your support for making us one of the biggest and most influential websites in the world. Running the website is taking its toll. Expenses, threats, attacks, conflicts of interest and intimidating phone calls are making it impossible to carry the site forward.
We will not be updating the site any further. We might, however, eventually release COSBI here and let it go for others to mind.
We have met many beautiful people and appreciate your support. It is because of your encouragement that we have continued to write and publish. Thank you and we hope that you will keep in touch with us.
The Smith Family
hmm, klingt nicht gut :( viel glück aber von meiner seite @ Van