Hier mal ein Auszug der Verbesserungen seit 666 aus dem Readme-File:
- autodetects MMX, no need for separate noMMX version any more
- immediate music stop on shutdown
- fixed systray ASSERT on WINE & litestep
- mouse wheel scrolling for list windows
- scripting:
- engine speedups
- mc.exe supports #include, #define, #undef, #ifdef, etc.
- skinning:
- fx objects (like dmove) work on subbitmaps
- faster blitting
- more options for various GUI objects
- F5 reloads current skin
- BMP files work again (bleh... use PNG)
- basic translation of strings, not everything is translated yet :)
- keyboard accelerator keys
- text scale up/down (use control-minus and control+equals)
- truetype font loading from skins works again (no need to install into OS)
- skin colors overriding in skins should work again
- new script included: MiniKick
- skin switcher! with preliminary wa2 skin loading support (not finished)
- skin version # checking
- select duplicates command in playlist editor
- memory usage cut down in general
- config screen almost ready (not in this alpha, tho :)
- lots and lots of other internals stuff you won\'t see until the SDK :)
Zu haben: