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Alternative zu Helium Backup!

A5iveMM / 5 Antworten / Baumansicht Nickles

Hallo zusammen,

ich suche ein Backup-App für mein Androidsystem, dass meine Apps und die Savegames sichert und zwar per Cloud.

Ich habe etliche gefunden, die die Kontakte, Bilder, etc. sichern aber eben nicht App-daten/ Savegames.

Nur Helium macht das meines Wissens, aber das braucht eine USB-Verbindung zum PC um zu starten und die kann ich nicht etablieren da mein USB Anschluss am Handy defekt ist.

Kann mir jemand helfen, brauche dringend Hilfe. Danke

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Alpha13 A5iveMM „Alternative zu Helium Backup!“

You can use Holo Backup over wifi as well. As long as you enable wireless ADB debugging in the settings, no cords are required.

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hatterchen1 Alpha13 „You can use Holo Backup over wifi as well. As long as you enable wireless ADB debugging in the settings, no cords are ...“
You can use Holo Backup  ???

Holo Backup (formerly Simple ADB backup)

NOTE: THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN DEPRECATED. Holo Backup was an interesting experiment to see how much could be done with ADB Backup alone, but ADB Backup itself proved to be very unreliable in practical use, and as such it is not advised for actual use. Please, don't submit bug reports or pull requests, they will be ignored.


Gestottertes Wissen ist besser als eloquente Dummheit. Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 - 43 v.Chr.Rom) Staatsmann und Philosoph
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A5iveMM Alpha13 „You can use Holo Backup over wifi as well. As long as you enable wireless ADB debugging in the settings, no cords are ...“

For a Wireless Connection via Wireless-ADP, you have to root your smartphone! Thats not what i want to do.

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ROLLI9 A5iveMM „For a Wireless Connection via Wireless-ADP, you have to root your smartphone! Thats not what i want to do.“

Kommt nun ein neuer Wettbewerb? Wer beherrscht die englische Sprache besser?


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Alpha13 A5iveMM „For a Wireless Connection via Wireless-ADP, you have to root your smartphone! Thats not what i want to do.“

Ohne das Teil zu rooten läuft da absolut nix abseits von per USB, glaubs oder halt nicht!!!

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