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Verfügbar: RivaTuner RC 12.1 für R9500 @ R9700

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RivaTuner RC 12.1 + SofR9700 @ Guru3D
Posted by Hilbert on the 13th of January, 2003

Alexey just submitted the heavily awaited RivaTuner to me. This version has the usual round of updates and improvements but the one most of you have been waiting for is if course integration SoftR9700 (this SoftR9700 patch script can turn any 128-bit R9500 into 9500PRO and any 256-bit R9500 into R9700 without soldering the resistor on the R300 GPU and without loosing warranty!). Our patch contrary to the yesterday released hacked Wizard Radeon drivers are Catalyst 3.0 compatible !

The list of updates goes on and on, so here\'s a small overview !

If you like to discuss this topic then please go to this forum-thread where the programmer can be found also. I must warn you though do not bug him with questions like \'how much longer until the new RivaTuner is out\'. To post/reply you need to be registered to the forums.

Full Detonator 41.xx - 42.xx support including

the latest Detonator 42.01
Added DVC 3.0 support.
Revised NVStrap v1.3 driver for both Windows 9x

and Windows 2000/XP
Added ATI RADEON 9500 / 9500PRO / 9700 /
Fire GL X1 / FireGL Z1 low level support. Now RivaTuner can diagnose and overclock these graphics processors.
Added SoftR9700 patch script for Catalyst 6.200
- 6.255, which allow you to enable software locked 8 pixel pipelines on RADEON 9500 based boards and turn any 128-bit RADEON 9500 into RADEON 9500PRO and any 256-bit RADEON 9500 into RADEON 9700PRO.
Improved database format. Now the similar keys
and values in the database can be described with a loop variable.

And the list goes on and on. More details can be found on Rivatuner homepage.

Installation of SoftR9700 with Rivatuner:

Select Power User
Click on the Open Patch Script button
Browse to: /PatchScripts/ATI/SoftR9700/
Open and execute the scipt, You MUST agree to

the license!
Hit continue and point the script towards thge
spot where ati2mtag.sys is located (usually / Windows/system32/drivers/ and patch it.
Restart and start benchmarking

Link zum Download ist hier

Obwohl ich kein ATI´ler bin, würde mich mal interessieren, ob das tatsächlich so gut geht, wie alle erhoffen!

Tester vor und antworten!

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