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GeForce 2 MX unter Linux ????

DaHool99 (Anonym) / 3 Antworten / Baumansicht Nickles

Wer kann mir helfen?

Ich habe SuSE Linux installiert und kann aber meine ASUS V7100 nicht installieren, weil diese Linux version die Karte noch nicht unterstützt.

Ich habe gelesen das bei NVIDIA Treiber dafür gibt habe sie mir downgeloaded und frage mich nun wie ich sie installiere.

Wer kann mir eine antwort geben`?

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(Anonym) DaHool99 (Anonym) „GeForce 2 MX unter Linux ????“

was hast du denn für ein suse linux?

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(Anonym) DaHool99 (Anonym) „GeForce 2 MX unter Linux ????“

NVIDIA Accelerated Linux Driver README & Installation Guide

Last updated: May 14, 2001

The NVIDIA Accelerated Linux Driver Set brings both accelerated 2D
functionality and high performance OpenGL support to Linux x86 with
the use of NVIDIA GPUs. This file describes how to install, configure, and use the NVIDIA
Accelerated Linux Driver Set. Please refer to the following additional
README files as appropriate:
ALI_USERS_README - for problems with ALI chipsets
TNT_USERS_README - for problems with TNT card with SGRAM/SDRAM
LAPTOP_README - for instructions on how to set up your laptop system
TWINVIEW_README - for instructions on how to set up TwinView
TVOUT_README - for instructions on connecting a TV
(app-d) APPENDIX D: XF86Config OPTIONS
Please note that, in order to keep the instructions more concise,
most caveats and frequently encountered problems are not detailed in
the installation instructions, but rather in the troubleshooting and
FAQ sections. Therefore, it is recommended that you read this entire
README before proceeding to perform any of the steps described.
NVIDIA has a unified driver architecture model; this means that one driver
set can be used with all supported NVIDIA hardware. Please see Appendix
A for a list of the NVIDIA hardware supported by the current drivers.
The NVIDIA Accelerated Linux Driver Set consists of two packages
which you will need to download and install: the NVIDIA_GLX package
which contains the OpenGL libraries and the XFree86 driver, and the
NVIDIA_kernel package which contains the NVdriver kernel module needed
by the X driver and OpebGL libraries in the NVIDIA_GLX package (for
more details on the components of each package, please see Appendix C).
You will need to install both packages, with matching version numbers
(ie NVIDIA_GLX-0.9-6 should only be used with NVIDIA_kernel-0.9-6 and
not NVIDIA_kernel-0.9-3).
The packages are available in several formats: RPM, SRPM, and tar file.
Installation of each package type is described below. The package
type is largely a matter of personal preference, though please note
that the binary RPMs are for use only with the kernel shipped with a
particular distribution (eg NVIDIA_kernel-0.9-6.rh62.i386.rpm should
only be used with the uni-processor kernel shipped with RedHat 6.2).
Where appropriate, NVIDIA has provided separate RPMs for the distinct SMP
and uni-processor kernels of each distribution. If you have upgraded
your kernel, or a specific NVIDIA_kernel rpm is not available for your
distribution, then use either the NVIDIA_kernel SRPM or tar file.
In the case where distributors ship multiple kernels (as is often
the case with uni-processor and SMP machines), there will be
multiple RPMs available, ie: NVIDIA_kernel-0.9-7.rh62.i386.rpm and
The NVIDIA_GLX RPM, however, is not dependent upon the kernel version,
and therefore an SRPM is not needed. Install the NVIDIA_GLX package
either by RPM or tar file.
Before beginning the driver installation, you should exit the X server. In
addition you should set your default runlevel so you will boot to console
and not start up X (please consult the documentation that came with your
linux distribution if you are unsure how to do this). This will make
it easier to recover if there is a problem during the installation.
Please note that package revision numbers have been omitted in the
following directions to make them as general as possible. While the
directions might say "NVIDIA_kernel.tar.gz" you should replace
that with the name of the driver version you are installing; eg:
Installing by RPM
Instructions for the Impatient:
$ rpm -ivh NVIDIA_kernel.i386.rpm
$ rpm -ivh NVIDIA_GLX.i386.rpm
Before installing from RPM, make sure that you have downloaded the
NVIDIA_kernel RPM appropriate for your kernel. Once you have verified
that you do indeed have the correct RPM, install NVIDIA_kernel by doing:
$ rpm -ivh NVIDIA_kernel.i386.rpm
Next, install the NVIDIA_GLX RPM by doing:

$ rpm -ivh NVIDIA_GLX.i386.rpm
Upgrading by RPM
Instructions for the Impatient:
$ rpm -Uvh NVIDIA_kernel.i386.rpm
$ rpm -e NVIDIA_GLX
$ rpm -ivh NVIDIA_GLX.i386.rpm
Before upgrading from RPM, make sure that you have downloaded the
NVIDIA_kernel RPM appropriate for your kernel. Once you have verified
that you do indeed have the correct RPM, upgrade the NVIDIA_kernel
package by doing:
$ rpm -Uvh NVIDIA_kernel.i386.rpm
You should not use the "-U" option to rpm to upgrade the NVIDIA_GLX
RPM because a bug in the uninstall section of older NVIDIA RPMs will
cause some files to be removed that shouldn't be. Instead, use "-e"
to remove the old NVIDIA_GLX RPM, and then install the new one:
$ rpm -e NVIDIA_GLX
$ rpm -ivh NVIDIA_GLX.i386.rpm
Installing/Upgrading by SRPM
Instructions for the Impatient:
$ rpm --rebuild NVIDIA_kernel.src.rpm
$ rpm -ivh /path/to/rpms/RPMS/i386/NVIDIA_kernel.i386.rpm
$ rpm -ivh NVIDIA_GLX.i386.rpm
To build a custom NVIDIA_kernel RPM for your system, pass 'rpm' the
'--rebuild' flag:
$ rpm --rebuild NVIDIA_kernel.src.rpm
Watch for the line that looks something like (the path may be different):
Wrote: /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/NVIDIA_kernel.i386.rpm
and use that as input to rpm to install:
$ rpm -ivh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/NVIDIA_kernel.i386.rpm
or upgrade:
$ rpm -Uvh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/NVIDIA_kernel.i386.rpm
To install the NVIDIA_GLX package, follow the instructions above for
either installing or upgrading NVIDIA_GLX from RPM.
Installing/Upgrading by Tar file
Instructions for the Impatient:

$ tar xvzf NVIDIA_kernel.tar.gz
$ tar xvzf NVIDIA_GLX.tar.gz
$ cd NVIDIA_kernel
$ make install
$ cd ../NVIDIA_GLX
$ make install

To install from tar file, unpack each file:
$ tar xzf NVIDIA_kernel.tar.gz
$ tar xzf NVIDIA_GLX.tar.gz
cd into the NVIDIA_kernel directory. Type 'make install'. This will
compile the kernel interface to the NVdriver, link the NVdriver, copy
the NVdriver into place, and attempt to insert the NVdriver into the
running kernel:
$ cd NVIDIA_kernel
$ make install
Next, move into the NVIDIA_GLX directory. Type 'make install' -- this
will copy the files into place:
$ cd ../NVIDIA_GLX
$ make install
Note that the "make install" for each package will remove any previously
installed NVIDIA drivers.
When XFree86 4.0 was released, it used a slightly different XF86Config
file syntax than the 3.x series did, and so to allow both 3.x and 4.x
versions of XFree86 to co-exist on the same system, it was decided that
XFree86 4.x was to use the configuration file "/etc/X11/XF86Config-4"
if it existed, and only if that file did not exist would the file
"/etc/X11/XF86Config" be used (actually, that is an over-simplification of
the search criteria; please see the XF86Config manpage for a complete
description of the search path). Please make sure you know what
configuration file XFree86 is using. If you are in doubt, look for a
line beginning with "(==) Using config file:" in the your XFree86 log
file ("/var/log/XFree86.0.log"). This README will use "XF68Config"
to refer to your configuration file, whatever it is named.
If you do not have a working XF86Config file, there are several ways
to start: there is a sample config file that comes with XFree86, and
there is a sample config file included with the NVIDIA_GLX package
(it gets installed in the /usr/share/doc tree). You could also use a
program like 'xf86config'; some distributions provide their own tool
for generating an XF86Config file. For more on XF86Config file syntax,
please refer to the manpage.
If you already have an XF86Config file working with a different driver
(such as the 'nv' driver), then all you need to do is find the relevant
Device section and replace the line:
Driver "nv"
Driver "nvidia"
In the Module section, make sure you have:
Load "glx"
You should also remove the following lines:

Load "dri"
Load "GLcore"
if they exist. There are also numerous options that can be added to
the XF86Config file to fine-tune the NVIDIA XFree86 driver. Please see
Appendix D for a complete list of these options.
Once you have configured your XF86Config file, you are ready to restart
X and begin using the accelerated OpenGL libraries. After you restart X,
you should be able to run any OpenGL application and it will automatically
use the new NVIDIA libraries. If you encounter any problems, please
see the troubleshooting section below.
Here are a few strategies to keep in mind when troubleshooting problems
with the NVIDIA Accelerated Linux Driver Set:
- One of the most useful tools for diagnosing problems is the XFree86 log
file in /var/log (the file is usually named "/var/log/XFree86.0.log").
Lines that begin with "(II)" are information, "(WW)" are warnings, and
"(EE)" are errors. You should make sure that the correct config file
(ie the config file you are editing) is being used; look for the line
that begins with: "(==) Using config file:". Also check that the NVIDIA
driver is being used, rather than the 'nv' driver; you can look for:
"(II) LoadModule: "nvidia"", and lines from the driver should begin with:
"(II) NVIDIA(0)".
- By default, the NVIDIA X driver prints relatively few messages to
stderr and the XFree86 log file. If you need to troubleshoot, then
it may be helpful to enable more verbose output by using the XFree86
commandline options "-verbose" and "-logverbose" which can be used to set
the verbosity level for the stderr and log file messages, respectively.
The NVIDIA X driver will output more messages when the verbosity level
is at or above 5 (XFree86 defaults to verbosity level 1 for stderr and
level 3 for the log file). So, to enable verbose messaging from the
NVIDIA X driver to both the log file and stderr, you could start X by
doing the following: 'startx -- -verbose 5 -logverbose 5'.
- Nothing will work if the NVdriver kernel module doesn't function
properly. If you see anything in the X log file like "(EE) NVIDIA(0):
Failed to initialize the NVdriver kernel module!" then there is most
likely a problem with the NVdriver kernel module. First, you should
verify that if you installed from RPM that the RPM was built specifically
for the kernel you are using. You should also check that the module is
loaded ('/sbin/lsmod'); if it is not loaded try loading it explicitly with
'insmod' or 'modprobe' (be sure to exit the X server before installing
a new kernel module). If you receive errors about unresolved symbols,
then the kernel module has most likely been built using header files
for a different kernel revision than what you are running. You can
explicitly control what kernel header files are used by building with:
'make install SYSINCLUDE=/path/to/kernel/headers'. Please note that
the convention for the location of kernel header files is in a state of
transition, as is the location of kernel modules. If the kernel module
fails to load properly, modprobe/insmod may be trying to load an older
kernel module (assuming you've upgraded). cd'ing into the directory
with the new kernel module and doing 'insmod ./NVdriver' may help.
- If X starts, but OpenGL causes problems, you most likely have a
problem with other libraries in the way, or there are stale symlinks.
See Appendix C for details. Sometimes, all it takes is to rerun
- You should also check that the correct extensions are present;
'xdpyinfo' should show the "GLX", "NV-GLX" and "NVIDIA-GLX" extensions
present. If these three extensions are not present, then there is most
likely a problem with the glx module getting loaded or it is unable
to implicitly load GLcore. Check your XF86Config file and make sure
that you are loading glx (see "Editing Your XF86Config File" above). If
your XF86Config file is correct, then check the XFree86 log file for
warnings/errors pertaining to GLX. Also check that all of the necessary
symlinks are in place (refer to Appendix C).
- If you are trying to install/upgrade by SRPM and the command:
rpm --rebuild ...
only prints out a list of rpm command line options then you likely
don't have the rpm development packages installed. In most situations
you can fix this problem by installing the rpm-devel package for your
distribution. Alternatively, you can install/upgrade by tar file as the
tar files don't require rpm.
- If installing the NVIDIA_kernel module gives an error message like:
#error Modules should never use kernel-headers system headers
#error but headers from an appropriate kernel-source
then you need to install the source for the Linux kernel. In most
situations you can fix this problem by installing the kernel-source
package for you distribution
Q: When I start X it fails and my XFree86 log file contains:
(II) LoadModule: "nvidia"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.o
No symbols found in this module
(EE) Failed to load /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.o
(II) UnloadModule: "nvidia"
(EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (loader failed, 256)
(EE) No drivers available.
A: The nvidia_drv.o X driver has been stripped of needed symbols;
some versions of rpm (wrongly) strip object files while installing.
You should probably upgrade your version of rpm. Or, you can install
the NVIDIA_GLX package from tarfile.
Q: Why does the NVdriver not work with DevFS?
A: DevFS will be supported in a future NVIDIA release. In the meantime,
you will need to recreate the NVIDIA device nodes after each reboot.
Several patches have been suggested by users to make NVdriver DevFS-aware.
You may trying one of these if you like; a websearch should provide you
with several options.
Q: My system runs, but seems unstable. What's wrong?
A: You might be using the wrong AGP module. See Appendix E for details
of AGP configuration.
Q: The kernel module doesn't get loaded dynamically when X starts;
I always have to do 'modprobe NVdriver' first. What's wrong?
A: Make sure the line "alias char-major-195 NVdriver" appears in
your module configuration file, generally one of "/etc/conf.modules",
"/etc/modules.conf" or "/etc/modutils/alias"; consult the documentation
that came with your distribution for the details.
Q: I can't build the NVdriver kernel module, or I can build the NVdriver
kernel module, but modprobe/insmod fails to load the module into my
kernel. What's wrong?
A: These problems are generally caused by the build using the wrong kernel
header files (ie header files for a different kernel version than the
one you are running). The convention used to be that kernel header files
should be stored in "/usr/include/linux/", but that is being depracated
in favor of "/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/include". The NVIDIA_kernel
Makefile should be able to determine the location on your system; however,
if you encounter a problem you can force the build to use certain header
files by doing: 'make SYSINCLUDE=/path/to/kernel/headers'. Obviously,
for any of this to work, you need the appropriate kernel header files
installed on your system. Consult the documentation that came with your
distribution; some distributions don't install the kernel header files
by default, or they install headers that don't coincide properly with
the kernel you are running.
Q: Why do OpenGL applications run so slow?
A: The application is probably using a different library still on your
system, rather than the NVIDIA supplied OpenGL library. Please see
APPENDIX C for details.
Q: There are problems getting Quake2 going.
A: Quake2 requires some minor setup to get it going. First, in the
Quake2 directory, the install creates a sym link called that
points at This symlink should be removed or renamed. Then,
to run Quake2 in OpenGL mode, you would type: 'quake2 +set vid_ref glx
+set gl_driver'. Quake2 does not seem to support any kind of
full-screen mode, but you can run your X server at whatever resolution
Quake2 runs at to emulate full-screen mode.
Q: There are problems getting Heretic II going.
A: Heretic II also installs, by default, a symlink called in
the application directory. You can remove or rename this symlink, since
the system will then find the default (which our drivers install
in /usr/lib). From within Heretic II you can then set your render mode
to OpenGL in the video menu.
There is also a patch available to Heretic II from lokigames at:
Q: Where can I get gl.h or glx.h so I can compile OpenGL programs.
A: Most systems come with these headers preinstalled. However, NVIDIA
has provided our own gl.h and glx.h file in case your system did not
come with them or in case you want to develop OpenGL apps that use
the new NVIDIA OpenGL extensions. These files have been installed in
/usr/share/doc/NVIDIA_GLX-x.y.z/usr/include/GL to avoid conflicting
with the system installed versions. To use these headers copy them
into /usr/include/GL.
If, after following the troubleshooting help, you are still having
problems with the NVIDIA Accelerated Linux Driver Set, you can
contact NVIDIA for support at: If you email
linux-bugs for assistance, please attach a copy of your XFree86 log file
(/var/log/XFree86.0.log) along with any other information you think may
be relevant. Please send a log file generated with verbose messaging
enabled (ie 'startx -- -logverbose 5'); please see the TROUBLESHOOTING
section for more on verbose messages.
Linux OpenGL ABI
NVIDIA Linux HowTo
The XFree86 Project
#nvidia (
o RIVA TNT 0x0020
o RIVA TNT2 0x0028
o RIVA TNT2 (Ultra) 0x0029
o RIVA TNT2 (Vanta) 0x002C
o RIVA TNT2 (M64) 0x002D
o RIVA TNT2 (??) 0x002E
o RIVA TNT2 (??) 0x002F
o RIVA TNT2 (Integrated) 0x00A0
o GeForce 256 0x0100
o GeForce DDR 0x0101
o Quadro 0x0103
o GeForce2 MX 0x0110
o GeForce2 MX DDR 0x0111
o GeForce2 Go 0x0112
o Quadro2 MXR 0x0113
o GeForce2 GTS 0x0150
o GeForce2 GTS 0x0151
o GeForce2 Ultra 0x0152
o Quadro2 Pro 0x0153
o GeForce3 0x0200
Please note that the RIVA 128/128ZX chips are supported by the open
source 'nv' driver for XFree86, but not by the NVIDIA Accelerated Linux
Driver Set.
o linux kernel 2.2.12 # cat /proc/version
o XFree86 4.0.1 # cat /var/log/XFree86.0.log|grep "XFree86 Version"
o Kernel modutils 2.1.121 # insmod -V
If you need to build the NVdriver kernel module:
o binutils 2.9.5 # size --version
o GNU make 3.77 # make --version
o gcc # gcc --version
If you build from source rpms:
o spec-helper rpm # rpm -qi spec-helper
All official kernel releases from 2.2.12 and up are supported;
"prerelease" versions such as "2.4.3-pre2" are not necessarily supported.
The linux kernel can be gotten from or one of its mirrors.
binutils and gcc will only be needed if you install the NVIDIA_kernel
package by SRPM or tarfile; binary RPM installations do not require these.
binutils and gcc can be gotten from or one of its mirrors.
If you are using XFree86, but do not have a file /var/log/XFree86.0.log,
then you probably have a 3.x version of XFree86... you will definitely
need to upgrade. When first setting up XFree86 4.x, it is often easier
to use one of the open source drivers that ships with XFree86 (either
'nv', 'vga' or 'vesa'). Please note that not all NVIDIA cards will work
with these drivers; for example, the nv driver that shipped with XFree86
4.0.1 did not recognize the GeForce2 family of cards. XFree86 can be
obtained from
All of these software packages are also likely to be available through
your linux distributor.
The NVIDIA Accelerated Linux Driver Set consists of the following
components (the file in parenthesis is the full name of the component
after installation; "x.y.z" denotes the current version -- in these
cases appropriate symlinks are created during installation):
o An XFree86 driver (/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.o);
this driver is needed by XFree86 to use your NVIDIA hardware.
The nvidia_drv.o driver is binary compatible with XFree86 4.0.1
and greater.
o A GLX extension module for XFree86
(/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/; this module
is used by XFree86 to provide server-side glx support.
o An OpenGL library (/usr/lib/; this library
provides the API entry points for all OpenGL and GLX function
calls. It is linked to at run-time by OpenGL applications.
o An OpenGL core library (/usr/lib/; this
library is implicitly used by libGL and by libglx. It contains
the core accelerated 3D functionality. You should not explicitly
load it in your XF86Config file -- that is taken care of by
o A kernel module (/lib/modules/[kernel version]/video/NVdriver
or /lib/modules/[kernel version]/kernel/drivers/video/NVdriver).
This kernel module provides low-level access to your NVIDIA
hardware for all of the above components. It is generally
loaded into the kernel when the X server is started, and is
used by the XFree86 driver and OpenGL. NVdriver consists of two
pieces: the binary-only core, and a kernel interface that must
be compiled specifically for your kernel version. Note that
the linux kernel does not have a consistent binary interface
like XFree86, so it is important that this kernel interface
be matched with the version of the kernel that you are using.
This can either be accomplished by compiling yourself, or using
precompiled binaries provided for the kernels shipped with some
of the more common linux distributions.
o OpenGL and GLX header files
/usr/share/doc/NVIDIA_GLX-x.y.z/usr/include/GL/glx.h). In most
circumstances the system provided headers in /usr/include/GL
should suffice for OpenGL development. But NVIDIA has provided
these headers as they contain the most up to date versions of
NVIDIA's OpenGL extensions. If you wish to make use of these
headers it is recommmended that you copy them to /usr/include/GL.
The first four components listed above (XFree86 driver, GLX module, libGL,
and libGLcore) are included in the NVIDIA_GLX package. The NVdriver
kernel module is included in the NVIDIA_kernel package.
Documentation and the OpenGL and GLX header files are also part of the
NVIDIA_GLX package and get installed in /usr/share/doc/NVIDIA_GLX-x.y.z.
Problems will arise if applications use the wrong version of a library.
This can be the case if there are either old libGL libraries or stale
symlinks left lying around. If you think there may be something awry
in your installation, check that the following files are in place
(these are all the files of the NVIDIA Accelerated Linux Driver Set,
plus their symlinks):
/usr/X11/lib/modules/extensions/ ->
/usr/lib/ ->
/usr/lib/ ->
/usr/lib/ ->
/lib/modules/[kernel version]/video/NVdriver, or
/lib/modules/[kernel version]/kernel/drivers/video/NVdriver
Installation of the NVIDIA_kernel package will also create the /dev files:
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 195, 0 Feb 15 17:21 nvidia0
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 195, 1 Feb 15 17:21 nvidia1
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 195, 2 Feb 15 17:21 nvidia2
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 195, 3 Feb 15 17:21 nvidia3
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 195, 255 Feb 15 17:21 nvidiactl
If there are other libraries whose "soname" conflicts with that of
the NVIDIA libraries, ldconfig may create the wrong symlinks. It is
recommended that you manually remove or rename (be sure to rename
clashing libraries to something that ldconfig won't look at -- we've
found that prepending "XXX" to a library name generally does the trick)
conflicting libraries, rerun 'ldconfig', and check that the correct
symlinks were made. Some libraries that often create conflicts are
"/usr/X11R6/lib/*" and "/usr/X11R6/lib/*".
If the libraries checks out, then verify that the application is using
the correct libraries. For example, to check that the application
/usr/X11R6/bin/gears is using the NVIDIA libraries, you would do:
$ ldd /usr/X11R6/bin/gears => /usr/lib/ (0x40014000) => /usr/lib/ (0x40046000) => /usr/lib/ (0x40062000) => /lib/ (0x4009f000) => /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x4018d000) => /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x40196000) => /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x401ac000) => /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x401c0000) => /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x401cd000) => /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x401d6000) => /usr/lib/ (0x402ab000) => /lib/ (0x4048d000) => /lib/ (0x404a9000)
/lib/ => /lib/ (0x40000000) => /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x404ac000)
Note the files being used for libGL and libGLcore -- if they are something
other than the NVIDIA libraries, then you will need to either remove the
libraries that are getting in the way, or adjust your ld search path.
If any of this seems foreign to you, then you may want to read the man
pages for "ldconfig" and "ldd" for pointers.
(app-d) APPENDIX D: XF86Config OPTIONS
The following driver options are supported by the NVIDIA XFree86 driver:
Option "SWCursor" "boolean"
Enable or disable software rendering of the X cursor.
Default: off.
Option "HWCursor" "boolean"
Enable or disable hardware rendering of the X cursor.
Default: on.
Option "NoAccel" "boolean"
Disable or enable 2D acceleration using the XAA module
(note that this is different that 3D acceleration).
Default: acceleration is enabled.
Option "Rotate" "CW"
Option "Rotate" "CCW"
Rotate the display clockwise or counterclockwise.
This mode forces NoAccel and SWCursor to both be TRUE.
Default: no rotation.
Option "ShadowFB" "boolean"
Enable or disable use of the shadow framebuffer layer.
See shadow fb(4) for further information. Default: off.
Option "NvAGP" "integer"
Configure AGP support. Integer argument can be one of:
0 : disable agp
1 : use NVIDIA's internal AGP support, if possible
2 : use AGPGART, if possible
3 : use any agp support (try AGPGART, then NVIDIA's AGP)
Default: 1.
Option "IgnoreEDID" "boolean"
Disable probing of EDID (Extended Display Identification
Data) from your monitor. Requested modes are compared
against values gotten from your monitor EDIDs (if any)
during mode validation. Some monitors are known to lie
about their own capabilities. Ignoring the values that
the monitor gives may help get a certain mode validated.
On the other hand, this may be dangerous if you don't
know what you are doing. Default: Use EDIDs.
Option "NoDDC" "boolean"
Synonym for "IgnoreEDID"
Option "ConnectedMonitor" "string"
Allows you to override what the NVIDIA kernel module
detects is connected to your video card. This may
be useful, for example, if you use a KVM (keyboard,
video, mouse) switch and you are switched away when
X is started. In such a situation, the NVIDIA kernel
module can't detect what display devices are connected,
and the NVIDIA X driver assumes you have a single CRT
connected. If, however, you use a digital flatpanel
instead of a CRT, use this option to explicitly tell
the NVIDIA X driver what is connected. Valid values for
this option are "CRT" (cathode ray tube), "DFP" (digital
flatpanel), or "TV" (television); if using TwinView, this
option may be a comma-separated list of display devices;
e.g.: "CRT, CRT" or "CRT, DFP". Default: string is NULL.
Option "NoRenderAccel" "boolean"
Enable or disable experimental hardware acceleration of
the RENDER extension. Default: RENDER is accelerated
when possible.
Option "TwinView" "boolean"
Enable or disable TwinView. Please see the file
TWINVIEW_README for details. Default: TwinView is
Option "TwinViewOrientation" "string"
Controls the relationship between the two display devices
when using TwinView. Takes one of the following values:
"RightOf" "LeftOf" "Above" "Below" "Clone". Please see the
file TWINVIEW_README for details. Default: string is NULL.
Option "SecondMonitorHorizSync" "range(s)"
This option is like the HorizSync entry in the Monitor
section, but is for the second monitor when using
TwinView. Please see the file TWINVIEW_README for
details. Default: none.
Option "SecondMonitorVertRefresh" "range(s)"
This option is like the VertRefresh entry in the
Monitor section, but is for the second monitor when
using TwinView. Please see the file TWINVIEW_README
for details. Default: none.
Option "MetaModes" "string"
This option describes the combination of modes to use
on each monitor when using TwinView. Please see the file
TWINVIEW_README for details. Default: string is NULL.
The following is a list of environment variables that affect the
behavior of OpenGL applications.
Note that these environment variables are not guaranteed to be the
same from release to release, or even exist in future releases.
Setting this to a non-zero value will force glXSwapBuffers
to sync to your monitor's vertical refresh rate (perform
a swap only during the vertical blanking period).
Setting this to a non-zero value will enable full scene
This can be set to either 0, 1 or 2. 0 means 1.5x1.5
oversampling. 1 means 2x2 oversampling with texture LOD
bias. 2 means 2x2 oversampling with no texture LOD bias.
Note that this variable only makes sense when
__GL_ENABLE_FSAA is set.
There are several options for configuring the NVdriver kernel module's
use of AGP: you can choose to either use NVIDIA's AGP module (nvagp),
or the AGP module that comes with the linux kernel (agpgart). This is
controlled through the "NvAGP" option in your XF86Config file:
Option "NvAgp" "0" ... disables AGP support
Option "NvAgp" "1" ... use NVAGP, if possible
Option "NvAgp" "2" ... use AGPGART, if possible
You should use the AGP module that works best with your AGP chipset.
If you are experiencing stability problems, then you may want to
start by disabling AGP and seeing if that alleviates your problems.
Then you can experiment with either of the other AGP modules. You can
check your AGP status by doing: `cat /proc/nv/card0'. Note that to use
the linux AGPGART module, it will need to be compiled with your kernel,
either statically linked in, or built as a module.
Please note that changing AGP drivers generally requires a reboot before
the changes actually take effect.
The following problems still exist in this release. We are aware of these
issues and are working towards resolving them.
- OpenGL + Pixmap rendering
glClear() does not work correctly to a pixmap.
- OpenGL + Xinerama
Currently, OpenGL is not functional with Xinerama.
- OpenGL and dlopen()
The current thought is that there are some bugs in the glibc
dynamic library loading and that cause problems with
applications that use dlopen() to load the OpenGL library.
Apps that use dlopen() include Quake3 and Radiant. A workaround
has been implemented that will fix some, but not all, cases
where this happens.
- OpenGL on SMP machines
With this release, OpenGL and X on SMP machines is much more
stable. However, there are still some intermittant failures,
especially when using 2.4.x kernels.
- glReadPixels and glCopyPixels after window is moved
When the window moves, the data that is read back from the back
buffer, stencil buffer and/or depth buffer will be incorrect
unless the window is redrawn after the move
- DPMS and TwinView
DPMS modes "suspend" and "standby" do not work correctly on a
second CRT when using TwinView -- the screen is just blanked,
rather than putting the monitor into the requested DPMS state.
- DPMS and Flat Panel
DPMS modes "suspend" and "standby" do not work correctly on a
flat panel display -- the screen is just blanked,
rather than putting the flat panel into the requested DPMS state.
- Multicard, Multimonitor
The PCI card does not get initialized properly when a GEForce 2 or
GEForce 3 AGP card is also installed. In addition, X does not work
reliably when two cards are used to drive multiple monitors.
- GeForce2 Go on Dell laptops
After running X and exitting X, if you restart X, the system
hangs. The only current workaround is to reboot the laptop before
restarting X.
The following problems were fixed between release 0.9-769 and the
current release:
- Preliminary GeForce2 Go support
- Added support for GeForce3 OpenGL and GLX extensions
- Fixed many SMP bugs
- Added TV-Out support
- Fixed DGA depth change bug
- Rewrote 2D offscreen memory allocation
- Fixed X-Video in TwinView
- Acceleration for X-Render extension
- Fixed up GLXPixmap rendering
- Fixed problem with make current to same drawable but different dpy
- Fixed problem in which OpenGL would segfault when reading X atoms
- X now gets the DPI (dots per inch) from the monitor's EDID (rather
than just defaulting to 75 dpi)
- All DPMS modes are now supported. There are still issues on flat panels and
on the second head of a TwinView system (please see the list of problems above)
- Fixed support for AGP on systems with 1 GB or more of memory
The following problems were fixed between release 0.9-767 and release 0.9-769:
- Fix problem where an old version of the release documentation (an old
version of this file!) was being installed instead of the current one.
The following problems were fixed between release 0.9-6 and release 0.9-767:
- Fixed problem where direct rendering applications were allowed to
continue rendering after xkill was called
- Fixed problem where Tribes 2 crashed when compressed textures (s3tc
textures) were used
- Some drawable leaks were fixed in X and GLX
- Fixed problem where the application would hang when calling
glXMakeCurrent while holding the X server grab
- Bios-posting problems on GEForce2 GTS and GEForce Ultra cards were
fixed. This bug resulted in a significant performance loss.
- Added support for the X Render extension.
- TwinView functionality was enhanced so that each head can pan independently.
- Fixed problem on TNT and TNT2 where Xv(Shm)PutImage returned BadAlloc in
high resolutions when there was not enough video bandwidth to display
the YUV video overlay correctly. This works now but the resulting
display has artifacts.
- Fixed problem with cursor hanges in X.
- Fixed problem with X console not restoring on some monitors.
- Fixed problem with fork() and OpenGL rendering
- Fixed problem with X driver module, nvidia_drv.o, being stripped when RPM
was rebuilt.
- Added missing PCI device ids for some TNT2 variants and GeForce3
- Fixed problem where the kernel would often hang during X and/or OpenGL
operation when on an SMP machine and using the 2.4 kernel.
- Fixed SYNC_TO_VBLANK hang with 2.4 kernels.
- Dpms is partially working again. It is possible to set the "off"
option for dpms. Dpms options "suspend" and "standby" are not fully
supported-- they simply blank the screen. Be sure to include 'Option
"DPMS"' in your XF86Config file (please see the XF86Config manpage).

bei Antwort benachrichtigen
(Anonym) DaHool99 (Anonym) „GeForce 2 MX unter Linux ????“

oder vereinfacht:
Installation instructions for Nvidia driver 1.0-1251 on SuSE Linux 7.2
rpm -Uhv NVIDIA_GLX-1.0-1251.suse72.i386.rpm --nodeps --force (ignore all error messages!)
rpm -Uhv NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-1251.suse72.i386.rpm --force

dann als root sax2 mit folgenden Parameter aufrufen: sax2 -f 0=nvidia und die Bildschirmparameter einstellen.

bei Antwort benachrichtigen