Grafikkarten und Monitore 26.160 Themen, 115.794 Beiträge

V6800 pure - problem beseitigt

Inigo Montoya / 1 Antworten / Baumansicht Nickles

Hab das gerade in ein paar englishen foren gepostet und bin zu faul zum übersetzen, SORRY!
Hoffe trotzdem, daß es ein paar von euch hilft!!!

Some days ago i posted about my problems with my new asus AGP-V6800 pure.
I got a Gigabyte Mainboard GA-6VA REV. 3.0.
My system (PIII 500 230W ATX power supply) crashed every time after about 2 to 5 minutes in the desktop
and after a few seconds when playing Quake III.
First of all i tried to update everything mb BIOS, graficcard BIOS, drivers and VIA drivers.
Didn´t work! Especially the graficcard BIOS update with a68p04a.exe was an adventure!!
If you crashed your system by flashing your graficcard incorrectly, go to !!
This is a great site made by a genius!! I solved my BIOS problem in half an hour (flashed with the
*.rom i unpacked from a68p04a.exe) !!!
After that my system was still instable, but i found an article at
(sorry it´s german) which said that there were problems between VODOO 3 graficcards and
Gigabyte motherboards. They recommended to look up the version of the motherboard because some
of the "newer" ones (mine is one year old) have the possibility to switch toa more stable power
supply for the AGP slot. On my board i just have to clos JP11&JP12. Though the manual says the
jumper setting is for Vodoo3 VGA card, it works great with my V6800.
I really hope this helps some of you desperate guys out there!


some links which helped ma a lot:

thanks to asus online forum and Rob

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(Anonym) Inigo Montoya „V6800 pure - problem beseitigt“

Herzlichen Dank !

Dein Tip hat mein schwerwiegendes Problem zwischen V6800 und Gigabyte Motherboard BX2000+ gelöst. Jumper "Voodoo" gesetzt.....keine Abstürze mehr bei Games.... Es lohnt sich also immer einen Blick auf Nickles zu werfen, bevor man ein heikles BIOSupdate startet.
Harald Wilkens

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