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Probleme mit Creative RIVA TNT und Unreal

Holger / 1 Antworten / Baumansicht Nickles

Unreal läuft bei mir nur mit Software Rendering.
Sobald ich D3D oder OpenGL anwähle bricht Unreal ab und ich kann dann
nur noch über Safetymode starten.
Konfig.: Celeron 333A, DFI-Mainboard, Creative Riva TNT(AGP), 64 MB
Ich habe auch schon den "Detonator" Referenztreiber ausprobiert, leider
ohne Erfolg. Auch diverse Unreal Patches haben nichts geändert.
Wer kann mir einen Tip geben? Holger (Holger )

Das Prob kommt mir SEEEEEHR bekannt vor. Ich hab' auch keine Lösung, aber Du kannst mal etwas Versuchen,
das bei mir nicht Funktioniert hat.
Ist aus einem anderen Forum:
Does the game start at all with d3d, or does it just crash upon
startup? Mine would start but at a really low res & when i would
change the res it would crash. if this
is the case for u....
1.Install unreal then the 220 patch
2.(reinstall) dx6 (or6.1 didnt have that at the time),
3.start unreal in software to set everything else up then exit the game.
4.Set your res to 1024x768.
5.restart UR & set the rendering to D3D
(theres 2 places to desinate this in the advanced menu, make sure both
are set to D3D). Exit the menu & if it crashes which it should, just
restart the game & see if it starts backup in D3D.
6.It should be in D3D now. but in a crappy res. Change the game res to
640x480 (start low then work your way up)then let it crash. after u
restart it will be in that res. The desktop res has to be higher than
what u set the game to.
I have no idea why it does this but it worked perfect. Unreal might
crash whenever you go into the settings to mess with the adv menu but
when u restart it will be at the setting. Also windows might crash when
you mess
with the res but it will be at the setting when u reboot. When i was messing with this stuff
sometimes 3/4's of the screen would go black & u could see a corner of the
"option" window. Just move it to where u can get to the buttons & just exit unreal & it will
start back up in the crappy res. This sounds like a lot of work but it only
takes 10 to 15 min. to do it & u wont have to mess with it again.

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Bob Holger „Probleme mit Creative RIVA TNT und Unreal“

Das Prob kommt mir SEEEEEHR bekannt vor. Ich hab' auch keine Lösung, aber Du kannst mal etwas Versuchen,
das bei mir nicht Funktioniert hat.
Ist aus einem anderen Forum:
Does the game start at all with d3d, or does it just crash upon
startup? Mine would start but at a really low res & when i would
change the res it would crash. if this
is the case for u....
1.Install unreal then the 220 patch
2.(reinstall) dx6 (or6.1 didnt have that at the time),
3.start unreal in software to set everything else up then exit the game.
4.Set your res to 1024x768.
5.restart UR & set the rendering to D3D
(theres 2 places to desinate this in the advanced menu, make sure both
are set to D3D). Exit the menu & if it crashes which it should, just
restart the game & see if it starts backup in D3D.
6.It should be in D3D now. but in a crappy res. Change the game res to
640x480 (start low then work your way up)then let it crash. after u
restart it will be in that res. The desktop res has to be higher than
what u set the game to.
I have no idea why it does this but it worked perfect. Unreal might
crash whenever you go into the settings to mess with the adv menu but
when u restart it will be at the setting. Also windows might crash when
you mess
with the res but it will be at the setting when u reboot. When i was messing with this stuff
sometimes 3/4's of the screen would go black & u could see a corner of the
"option" window. Just move it to where u can get to the buttons & just exit unreal & it will
start back up in the crappy res. This sounds like a lot of work but it only
takes 10 to 15 min. to do it & u wont have to mess with it again.

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