Archiv Drucker 2.454 Themen, 6.289 Beiträge

Lemark Color Jetprinter 1000 und NT

M.B. / 0 Antworten / Baumansicht Nickles

Für diesen Drucker gibt es keine NT-Treiber und werden nach Auskunft von Lexmark auch nicht geplant.
Kenn jemand eine Möglichkeit, den Drucker unter NT trotzdem zu installieren? (evtl nur im Textmodus)
Läuft dieser Drucker mit anderen Treibern?
Hier die Mail vom Support:

At this time, there are no plans to manufacture a driver for Windows NT for
the Lexmark 1000. The reason that we did not manufacture one in the first place
is because the costs of developing this driver were too high and would greatly
increase the price of the printer. We wanted this model to remain a low-cost
alternative for the customer needing basic color capabilites. I apologize if
this creates an inconvenience for. If you have any further questions feel free
to contact us at 1-800-LEXMARK.
Thanks again!
Lexmark Presales on 01/05/99 06:39:02 PM
To: PreSales/Lex/Lexmark@LEXMARK
Subject: Re: Lexmark Technical Support - #910592113

Hello Jenny,
Sorry, the printer is Lexmark color Jetprinter1000
Also a happy new year,
Michael schrieb:
> PreSales@LEXMARK
> 01/05/99 02:21 PM
> Michael,
> Unfortunately, there was not a printer listed in your inquiry. If you
> would reply with this information, I'd be more than happy to answer your
> question. Have a safe and prosperous new year!
> Thanks!
> Jenny
> Lexmark Presales
> Your comments:
> When will you publish a NT4.0 driver for this printer?
