auf dem Display erscheint Fehler und auschalten des Gerätes bringt nicht den erfolg, wie in der Anleitung beschrieben.
was kann ich machen
Drucker, Scanner, Kombis 11.493 Themen, 46.752 Beiträge
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Aus einem US Forum:
"After searching the internet many seem to come up with the following solution:
First hold down resume button and then hold down power button so both are held down at same time.
When green light comes on, continue holding down power button and let resume button go, then press resume button twice. Then let power button go.
Then press resume button four times, power button should be released before doing this.
Wait until printer settles down, if power is off, turn on. If power will not come on, remove power cord from back of printer, then wait 15 seconds before plugging back in again and turn power on. This normally solves the error problem - if not go through same procedure again."
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LG netrunner