Drucker, Scanner, Kombis 11.493 Themen, 46.752 Beiträge

canon i250

manson1 / 1 Antworten / Baumansicht Nickles

drucker blinkt grün orange.druckerkopf habe ich schon ausgewechselt

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Crusty_der_Clown manson1 „canon i250“

Blinking 2 times Carriage error Replace the printer as it has failed.
Blinking 6 times Internal temperature abnormal error Replace the printer as it has failed.
Blinking 7 times Waste ink full or platen waste ink full error Replace the printer as it has failed.
Blinking 8 times Abnormal temperature rise Replace the printer as it has failed.
Blinking 9 times EEPROM error Replace the printer as it has failed.
Blinking 10 times No cartridge detected excepting print head replacement (during printing) Replace the printer as it has failed.

"Man kann Nudeln machen warm, man kann Nudeln machen kalt." Ode an die Nudel von Peter Ludolf, dem Erfinder des Lagerhaltungssystems "Haufenprinzip"
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