Es handelt sich um ein virtuelles CD-Laufwerk, dass sich durch die Firmware meldet.
Ich zitiere mal:
* Many, many years ago HDD manufactors sold empty, unpartitioned HDDs
* Many years ago they sold single-partitioned and pre-formatted, but empty, HDDs, which could easily be changed totally for your needs
* Several years ago they got the idea to earn more money by providing some commercial stuff, so the single-partitioned HDD was no longer empty, but contained e.g. some partner's software, information, ads, etc.
* Some years ago they got the (bad) idea to deliver two-partitioned HDDs, one big and empty partition for the usage, and one small partition for the commercial stuff. Since most Windows users can format a drive, but not change the partitioning, they live with the extra-commercial drive, where they even could write to it to store additional 6 MB... However, still it was possible to just repartition the HDD to get rid of all this stuff to fit your needs.
* Recently the HDD manufactors had the (very bad and egocentric) idea to let the controller of an external drive tell the system about two totally separated drives, one for the data, and another unwriteable (CD) for the commercials. However, they provided some tools (e.g. as SanDisc directly on their commercial partition) to get rid of this stuff and let the controller only provide a single external HDD to the system.
* Brand new (very, very bad) idea is to not even provide a tool to get rid of the commercial stuff, so the controller will always tell the system about this virtual CD drive and you cannot delete, write to or unpartition it, as you cannot with any non-writeable CD drive.
Toshiba selbst sagt:
I am also a user of this kind of hdd and I asked the support team from toshiba, how to delete the cd part.
The answer was: It is not possible because the CD partition will always contain the user manual and the link to the toshiba place.
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