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"Inaccessible_boot_device" bei "HDD-Umzug" in anderen Rechner

(Anonym) / 2 Antworten / Baumansicht Nickles

habe eine IBM 40,1 GB IC 35L040AVER07-0 ATA/IDE in einem Asus A7V133 (VIA KT 133A)betrieben, als Master am Primary UltraATA 100 IDE; mit 40/80 Kabel. Mit WIN 2000 Pro, SP weiß ich nicht.
Weil HW kaputt will ich die Platte in einen anderen Rechner einbauen, Asus P2B-N. Da gibts nur´n normalen (E-)IDE Controller, habe HDD mit 40/40 Kabel als Master am Primary, sonst nichts mehr, kein CDROM etc.
Bekomme beim Booten immer o.g. Fehlermeldung, nach dem weißen Win2000Pro Boot-Logo.
Platte ist als Master gejumpert, habe auch schon Cable Select probiert. Desweiteren im BIOS diverse Plattenparameter: CHS wie auf HDD angegeben (16383/16/63), Auto-Erkennung, verschiedene Modi; alles ohne Erfolg. Wer hat noch´ne Idee ???

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(Anonym) Nachtrag zu: „"Inaccessible_boot_device" bei "HDD-Umzug" in anderen Rechner“

Wie du schon gemerkt hast: Geht nicht. win2k hat im Gegensatz zu win9x nicht die Fähigkeit, einen neuen HD-Controller während des bootens zu erkennen. Entweder neu installieren (ist bei einem solchen Umzug sowieso wärmstens zu empfehlen, sonst bist du übermorgen wieder hier und jaulst rum, das dein win2k immer abstürzt) oder aber folgendes:
"STOP 0x0000007B" Error After Moving Windows 2000 System Disk to Another System

The information in this article applies to:

Microsoft Windows versions 2000, 2000 SP1 Advanced Server
Microsoft Windows versions 2000, 2000 SP1 Professional
Microsoft Windows versions 2000, 2000 SP1 Server


After you move the system (boot) disk to a backup computer, you may receive the following message on your Windows 2000 computer when you try to start the backup computer:

***STOP: 0x0000007B (0xF741B84C,0xC0000034,0x00000000,0x00000000)

The registry entries and drivers for the mass storage controller hardware in the backup computer are not installed in Windows 2000.

For integrated device electronics (IDE) controllers, there are several different chip sets available, such as Intel, VIA, and Promise. Each chip set uses a different Plug-n-Play (PNP) ID to identify it.

The PNP-ID information of mass storage controllers for the backup computer must be in the registry prior to startup for Windows 2000 to initialize the correct drivers.

The supported method of moving a Windows 2000 installation to new hardware is documented in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:

Q249694 How to Move a Windows 2000 Installation to Different Hardware
However, for quicker disaster recovery, follow these steps:
Use identical hardware for the backup computer.

Replace the problem hardware components in the backup computer with the same manufacturer make and model as the components in the computer you are backing up.

Use the same make and model of small computer system interface (SCSI) controller in the new computer, if the system disk is a SCSI disk.

Use the same kind of motherboard that has the same kind of IDE chip set, and the same PNP-ID as the original, if the system disk is an IDE disk.

For SCSI-based system disks, you can prime the registry, and ensure that the drivers you want are in place by installing the SCSI controller that is used by the backup computer before you transfer the system disk contents. Windows 2000 PNP will detect the controller, set up critical registry entries, and copy the appropriate driver.

After you see the SCSI controller in Device Manager, you can safely remove the alternate controller. If, at a later time, you need to move the system drive to another computer with that make and model of SCSI controller, Windows 2000 will start successfully because it has already used that controller once, and has retained the correct configuration information.

Although Microsoft does not support this method, it is possible to import, or to merge the required registry entries, and copy the drivers ahead of time to support all IDE controllers that are natively supported by Windows 2000. This method may enable the moved system drive to start successfully, but other hardware differences may result in other problems.

This solution will provide support for IDE controllers whose PNP-ID matches the following list. However, if you want to determine ahead of time which IDE controllers are used in your current, and backup computers, you can search the Systemroot\setupapi.log file for the PNP-ID detected during Setup.

After you determine which PNP-IDs are used in your computers, you can choose to merge, or populate the registry with only the PNP-IDs that you need.

The following list is a list of the PNP-IDs of natively supported IDE controllers in Windows 2000:

;***********(Standard IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers)*********

;*********** Generic_ESDI_Hard_Disk_Controller **********

;*********** Aztech IDE Controller **********************

;*********** Device ID for generic Dual PCI IDE *********

;************Acer Labs Inc ******************************

;************Appian Technology **************************

;************CMD Technology *****************************

;************Compaq *************************************

;*************Intel *************************************

;*************PC Technology *****************************

;*************Silicon Integrated System *****************

;*************Symphony Labs *****************************

;*************Promise Technology ************************

;*************VIA Technologies, Inc. ********************
To import this information, use the following procedure on two different test computers that exhibit the "stop 0x0000007B" error message after changing drives between computers. After you follow this procedure on each test computer, you should be able to move the hard disks, and start both computers without receiving the "stop 0x0000007B" error message. However, other hardware differences may result in other problems.
Copy the following information into Notepad, and then save the file on a 3.5-inch disk. Name the file mergeide.reg, without the .txt file name extension.

********* START COPY FROM HERE *************
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




























;Add driver for Atapi (requires atapi.sys in drivers directory)

"Group"="SCSI miniport"
"DisplayName"="Standard IDE/ESDI Hard Disk Controller"

;Add driver for intelide (requires intelide.sys in drivers directory)

"Group"="System Bus Extender"

;Add driver for pciide (requires pciide.sys and pciidex.sys in drivers directory)

"Group"="System Bus Extender"
************ END COPY HERE ***************
Extract the Atapi.sys, Intelide.sys, Pciide.sys, and Pciidex.sys files from the Systemroot\Driver Cache\i386\ file, or copy them to the Systemroot\system32\drivers directory from the most recently installed Service Pack distribution media (if the Service Pack is already installed on your computer).

In Windows Explorer, right-click the Mergeide.reg file in the floppy drive, and then click Merge. Windows 2000 will display the following message:
Are you sure you want to add the information in a:\mergeide.reg to the registry?
Click Yes.

After the import process is completed, Windows 2000 will display another message:

Information from a:\mergeide.reg was successfully entered into the registry.
Shut down, and then turn off the computer, and move the system disk drive to the other test computer that previously produced a "stop 0x0000007b" error message, and then see if you can successfully start the second computer.

Additional query words: eide 0x7b chipset setupapi Atapi Intelide Pciide Pciidex

Keywords : kbenv
Issue type : kbprb
Technology : kbwin2kAdvSer kbwin2kAdvSerSearch kbwin2kS kbwin2kSSearch kbwin2kSearch kbwin2kProSearch kbwin2kPro

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Heinz_Malcher (Anonym) „Wie du schon gemerkt hast: Geht nicht. win2k hat im Gegensatz zu win9x nicht die...“

Hallo, ich hatte den besagten Fehler sehr lange unter NT4, woran es lag weis ich nicht, aber bei mir half es, das bootfähige drive, sprich das laufwerk mit nt4 allein als master an den ersten port zu stecken. Allerdings konnte ich somit also immer den zweiten anschluss am 1. port nie nutzen, brenner und cdrom mussten an den second port. jeweils als master und slave.
Aber service pack 2 soll derartige probleme laut
beheben. Ein grund, warum auch ich mir am weekend den sp2 endlich gesaugt habe...neben ca. 104 anderen

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