Das war, als ich bei 1&1 noch mein Forum hatte.
Ich habe da den USA Usern Verkaufsvorlagen geschenkt.
Verkaufsvorlagen von ePay kosten aber in USA Geld.
[eBay:BNF05O434] Inappropriate and fraudulent use of copyrighted materials
We have just learned that your service is being used to violate eBay
Inc.'s trademarks and/or copyrights. Specifically, it appears that a
Schlund + Partner AG user is hosting a page at
http://i2tlf.de/avorlagen/support/buch/books4pv.html which uses our
trademarks inappropriately.
While we believe that the above information gives your company more
than a sufficient basis for disabling the page immediately, out of
caution we note that your user?s unauthorized reproduction of eBay?s
trademark and copyrighted materials violates federal law, and places an
independent legal obligation on your company to remove the offending
page(s) immediately upon receiving notice from eBay, the owner of the
copyrighted materials. Accordingly, the information below serves as eBay?s
notice of infringement pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act,
17 U.S.C. Section 512 (c)(3)(A):
I, the undersigned, CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY that I am the
agent authorized to act on behalf of the owner of certain
intellectual property rights, said owner being named eBay Inc. I have a
good faith belief that the website located at URL
http://i2tlf.de/avorlagen/support/buch/books4pv.html has its copyright in
each page of its website and associated source code. Please act
expeditiously to remove or disable access to the material or items claimed
to be infringing.
We sincerely appreciate your immediate attention to this important
matter. We would also appreciate if you would take steps to confirm
the accuracy of any contact information that your user may have
provided to you in establishing the account. Should you have any
accurate information that could assist eBay and law enforcement in
tracking this individual, we greatly appreciate your assistance, as
we know that you do not condone the use of your services for such
criminal purposes.
Finally, please be advised that we have referred this issue to the
Federal Bureau of Investigation for their investigation. The F.B.I. has
requested that we convey to you in this message their request that you
preserve for 90 days all records relating to this web site, including all
associated accounts, computer logs, files, IP addresses, telephone
numbers, subscriber and user records, communications, and all programs and files on storage media in regard to all Internet connection information, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. ? 2703(f). While we do not act as an agent of the FBI in conveying this request, we do intend to fully cooperate with their investigation, and encourage you to do so as well.