Max Payne: Kung Fu Editions Version 0.9 - September 19, 2001
by Kenneth Yeung
Max Payne now knows kung fu. Besides that and some other minor adjustments, the game play is essentially the same as the original.
- An experimental hand-to-hand kung fu combat system.
- New kung fu style dodging.
- New action camera effects.
- Minor weapon adjustments and more ammo, with some new weapon sounds (and weapon sounds are now loud).
- More decals.
- BNZ\'s Level Selector (contact BNZ at bz@zeiss.net)
- Sniper bullet can now cut through an entire line of enemies.
Installation and Usage:
- Unzip the KungFu_09.mpm file into your Max Payne directory (the directory that contains the MaxPayne.exe).
- Make sure the MPKungFu.avi file is unzipped into your "Max Payne\\movies" directory. You can download the full version of this intro video if you\'d like at:
and then just replace the old MPKungFu.avi with this new one.
- Run Max Payne, and in the startup window goto "Choose Customized Games" and select KungFu_09 in the drop-down box.
The Kung Fu Combat System:
The Kung Fu Mode replaces the leadpipe weapon. While in Kung Fu Mode:
- The default attack (by pressing your shoot button) now performs a front kicking combo.
- The forward dodge (by pressing your dodge button while moving forward) now performs a flying sidekick.
- The forward-left dodge now performs a left kicking combo.
- The forward-right dodge now performs a right kicking combo.
While in the standard weapons mode:
- The kung fu dodges now replace all of the old directional jumps.
- When you run out of bullet time, you will use the kung fu kicks instead of shoot-dodging.
Known Bugs/Problems:
- Very rarely, it is possible to become frozen. If this occurs, simply go into bullet time to unfreeze yourself.
- Sometimes, during a kung fu dodge, the game speed may not speed up to normal speed. This will correct itself once you do another kung fu dodge.
- This mod is not compatable with old save games. For this reason, I\'ve included the level selector.
Author\'s Notes:
What started out as some simple fooling around with 3D Studio Max animating quickly turned into a full fledged kung fu mod. I didn\'t mean it, I swear! ;) I still don\'t know 3D Studio Max too well, so I didn\'t know how to use any of those fancy features like Inverse Kinematics or whatever they\'re called. So all of the animations were made by hand, key-frame by key-frame. And as the folks at Remedy so eloquently put it "Making new animations for the existing skins is quite easy and fun". :) However, most of the animations are still a bit rough around the edges, because they are always in a constant state of being tweeked. And I had to stop myself at some point, otherwise I would have never released this and just been constantly tweeking and adding animations and stuff. And people have been getting a bit impatient and annoyed, so here it is ok?! Just don\'t complain if it\'s not as finished as you\'d like, there\'s only so much that one person can do! ;) Anyways, hope you all have as much fun with this mod as I\'ve had in making it! :D
For questions/comments/suggestions, contact me at kenny2x4@hotmail.com
If you would like to use any part of this mod, you can contact me if you\'d like, or you can get just make sure to include me in your credits. Oh ya, and make sure you\'re not doing anything illegal/immoral with this mod either. And I am not responsible for any bodily injuries caused by sudden urges to do flying sidekicks out of windows or backflips off of exploding cars etc. So have fun!! :)