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Prosseco / 1 Antworten / Baumansicht Nickles

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Adobe Reader holds the dubious title of Number One Target For Malware these days. Luckily, Adobe has been hard at work improving Reader to protect its users. PCMag reports that a new feature has been added to the next major version of Reader, presumably version 10, that will introduce a sandbox architecture called Protected Mode. Reader will operate within Protected Mode and will also use it to open plug-ins and downloads, Protected Mode will be enabled by default. Protected Mode provides a restricted area where malware can do far less damage compared to if it had full run of Reader. To see Adobe’s blog about the new feature go here.

PCMag explains how protected mode works:

Code in this sandbox has very limited rights; it cannot, for example, write to the file system or the registry. To perform these tasks it must work through a broker process (see illustration [in PCMag article]) which checks policies before engaging in any activities which could be dangerous.

If an attacker finds a new vulnerability in Reader and exploits it, that exploit code will run in the context of Reader and therefore in the sandbox. In order to get anything of consequence done it will have to find an exploit in the broker process. The broker process is relatively small and simple and heavily scrutinized. Nothing’s perfect, but this should be a formidable barrier to exploit code.

Sandbox modes like this are also used in Google Chrome and Office 2010, Microsoft and Google in fact helped Adobe develop Protected Mode since there isn’t much widespread expertise in this kind of programming.

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