Hatte das gleiche Problem auf einem Ashrock Board.Seitdem nutze ich Ghost 2003.Hatte mich an Symantec gewandt.Habe nur noch den Hinweis auf englich,da Seriennummer erforderlich.
Fehler 701 :
Error 701: "Unexpected INT 13h Error"
While using one of the following products, you see "Error 701: Unexpected
INT 13h Error."
- Norton PartitionMagic
- PartitionMagic
- PartitionMagic Pro
- Drive Image
- Drive Image Pro
- DriveCopy
- ServerMagic
- VolumeManager
This problem can have various causes and solutions. To resolve the problem,
run ScanDisk (Windows 9x and Me) or CHKDSK (Windows NT, 2000, and XP) with
the /F switch on the affected partition.
If the error persists, follow the instructions that apply to the product you
were using when you saw the error.
If the system has a caching hard drive controller, access the configuration
menu for the controller card and change the INT13 support level to mainboard
level. It should then be possible to use PartitionMagic without generating
Error 701. After using PartitionMagic, you can reset the INT13 support level
to its original setting if you wish. Consult the manufacturer of your
controller for additional information.
Error 701 also occurs if SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting
Technology) is enabled in the BIOS settings for the hard drive. To resolve
the problem, disable SMART in the BIOS, partition the hard disk, and then
re-enable SMART.
Drive Image
If you receive Error 701 when running Drive Image, try launching Drive Image
from the command line using the /UEB switch (use extended BIOS). For
example, change to the Drive Image directory and type: pqmagic /UEB or
pqimgctr.exe /UEB.