durch Affengriff sehe ich, dass immer das Ding läuft. Ist das vielleicht ein Virus?
durch Affengriff sehe ich, dass immer das Ding läuft. Ist das vielleicht ein Virus?
das ist ein bestandteil des dfü-netzwerks und definitiv kein virus
Wie krieg ichs weg?
Überhaupt, wie bekomme ich meine Kiste wieder sauber von der Netzwerkgeschiichte? Ich hab mal probiert ein Netzwerk aufzubauen, per Assistent, und weiss jetzt nicht, was der mir alles installiert hat. Ich will deinstallieren, weil ich durch Freigabeexperimente gemerkt habe, dass ich mit Opasoft Wurm infiziert wurde. Kannst du mir da weiterhelfen, mic?
Hi Durden!
So wie ich das verstanden habe, läuft RNAAPP.exe meistens bei der Nutzung von DFÜ-Verbindungen, weil es eine Kernkomponente des virtuellen DFÜ-Modems von Windows ist. Deshalb kannst du es gar nicht "wegmachen".
(Lasse mich gerne korrigieren!)
Für das Troubleshooting habe ich Folgendes gefunden, allerdings in Englisch:
"RNAAPP (Remote Network Access Application) is a core executable for Microsoft Windows Dial-Up Networking. RNAAPP can create a problem when trying to get Internet access by sometimes sticking in memory from a previous session, or too early in a dialup attempt, thus making your system believe that a connection is already established. The error messages "Dial-up Networking could not-establish a compatible set of network protocols…", "No dial tone", "Unable to Open Communications Port", "The Line is Busy…", "The Modem is Being Used…", and "Error 602: The Port is Already Open" are all common errors that you may receive with RNAAPP improperly loaded into memory.
To remove RNAAPP first press Ctrl-Alt-Del and end task this program. Reboot your computer. Make sure that no other programs such as fax software, supervoice, or other programs are using your modem. If there is nothing else using the modem, and you still cannot dialup at this point, make sure the modem is not using any init strings. If it is, try removing these and rebooting to make sure that this is not being caused by the string. Still having troubles? Perform the first step again, and reboot. When your computer comes up remove all dialers, .pwl files, network settings, and dialup networking. Reboot your computer and add back dialup networking, your network components, reboot again, and create your new dialer.
If the issue persists try uninstalling and reinstalling the modem, however make sure that you have the proper driver disks if it is not a PnP modem.
If you are using Windows 95 and you are experiencing the problem of your computer locking up while dialing. Press Ctrl-Alt-Del and check to see if RNAAPP is in the task list. If you end task RNAAPP and everything is ok then there is a procedure that might solve the problem for you. Download the ISDN Accelerator Pack 1.1 form Microsoft. You can install this even if you are running a modem. This Pack updates the many components of Dial-up Networking, including RNAAPP. It is even further recommended that you upgrade Windows 95 Dial-Up Networking to version 1.3 and the winsock2 upgrade.
If you continue to have problems, try extracting rnaapp.exe from your cab files after uninstalling and reinstalling Dial-Up Networking and all it's associated components. Here is how you can do this in Windows 95 and 98:
Windows 95
1) Open up a dos prompt by going to Start, Programs, MS DOS Prompt.
2) Type cd windows\system
3) Type extract /a d:\win95\win95_16.cab rnaapp.exe
4) When Prompted to overwrite the file, click "YES".
Windows 98
1) Open up a dos prompt by going to Start, Programs, MS DOS Prompt.
2) Type cd windows\system
3) Type extract /a d:\win98\win98_42.cab rnaapp.exe
4) When Prompted to overwrite the file, click "YES".
If this is still occurring there are 4 routes that you can take at this point.
1) Search for RNAAPP in the registry. Remove any instances. WARNING: This should not be done by the user, this fix should be done by a computer tech. If you are an ISP tech or a user you should probably not try this step.
2) Uninstall and reinstall Dial-Up Networking "The Microsoft Way" by renaming files and extracting from cabs. WARNING: This step can take a long time.
3) Have the modem tested. This could be occurring due to a bad modem.
4) Reformat the computer after Dial-Up Networking has been fully reinstalled at least 5 times (It sometimes takes multiple reinstalls of Dial-Up Networking to resolve this)."
Lass dich eines besseren belehren. Kill den Task und lösche die Datei aus dem Systemverzeichnis :-)
Da mein englisch hapert >> in Deutsch. (kein Scherz).
RNAAPP: ist schlichthin das DFÜ-Netzwerkprogramm (RNAAPP.EXE). Mitunter auch RNAAP.EXE.(Bei mir steht es so).
Es befindet sich im Win\System-Ordner, sollte 44KB groß sein und mindestens die Vers.-Nr. 4.10.02222 haben. Wenn Du Aol hast, hat AOL ein eigenes RNAAPP "mitgebracht", das sich im Aol-Ordner Net\win... befindet.
Keine Angst >>>>>> der Text ist nicht von mir, das Original habe ich mir auch nur erfragt, bzw. zusammengelesen. -:) . Gruß. wek.