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Contra Nepp...

gelöscht_211427 / 2 Antworten / Baumansicht Nickles

ist ja bis auf weiteres deaktiviert... aber ich wollte den folgenden Text nur mal loswerden. Meine Freundin möchte eine ETW verkaufen und bekam prompt eine Mail mit folgendem Inhalt:

Hello,  Thank you for your urgent response on your property and I want you to know that I am genuinely interested in your property and I am surely buying this property on your price and I also hope that we can work together on a better and higher platform considering my relocation to your country, I sincerely want to trust you . I am a war veteran with NATO forces in Afghanistan, on war against terrorism. I served in the 1st Armored Division in Baghdad , Iraq, and now serving in Afghanistan .  I will need this property for my personal and investment purposes , I will be relocating to your country due to some security reasons, and that is why I contacted you so that we can work together on my investment plan in your country. As a result , it is important for me to show you that I have in my possession the sum of € 13.5 million. which I got from Crude oil deal in Iraq. I have been moved to Afghanistan, but I still have this box in Iraq and as soon as I hear from you of your acceptance to help me then I communicate for the delivery with the help of the red cross cargo jet .  I have this fund secured in a facility in Fallujah in Iraq , waiting for a moment like this , to get the money for a good use and now that I am deployed to Afghanistan I want to move the box out from Fallujah immediately . I have a very profitable investment plans on hand. I can not move this money to the United States because I will be in your country for about 5 years, so I need someone I could trust. If you accept , I will have the fund moved  to you in your country, where you will stand as my beneficiary because I have to present someone as my beneficiary to effect this delivery .. I am an American and an intelligence officer and I have a 100 % authentic means of transferring the money through diplomatic means. I just need your acceptance and all is done .  Please if you are interested in this transaction I will give to you the complete details to carry out this transaction successful for us. I decided that someone that is real and not an imaginary person and that is why I went to a place where I will be sure of the person . I think I can trust you . At the moment I 'm being very careful with the way I communicate so as to reduce any kind of risk , until the money is in your care. I will communicate with you by e -mail and would give you a call when it's necessary so that you can be informed on all the important information . I want you to be brave, I have everything under control. I have all proof necessary for the funds and it's authentic delivery.  If you are not interested do not reply to this email and please delete this message , if no response after 2 days I will then search for someone else. I am doing this on trust , I want you to put aside any act of greed or the thought of cheating , because we have a lot to gain in this respect. € 13.500 million is a lot of money which is the dream of everyone . I 'm in Afghanistan right now and need to save that money and send it to you once we reach a reasonable agreement .  I wait for your contact details so we can go on. In less than 5 days the fund should be delivered to you. I'll give you 10 % of the sum and 90 % is for me. I hope I am fair to this deal.
I will give you one very important because of the security and confidentiality of our communication i will need you to remove the property from display on the advert website . You need to take this step immediately . it is very important for both of us, because the website is monitored by some agencies and as long as you have the property on the website they will be able to monitor your computer and all our communication. I'm telling you as a veteran and I know how it is done . Please remove the property from the websites before you answer me and be assured then we will all have to celebrate our success as family at the end.
regards,SS Lawrence

Ich will hier die Nigeria-Connection nicht wieder neu aufwärmen, ich möchte nur zeigen, worauf die Hundesöhne anspringen und weiterhin sensibilisieren. Es gibt immer wieder Dumme, die darauf reinfallen, also warnt euer Umfeld.

Best regards



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mi~we gelöscht_211427 „Contra Nepp...“
Es gibt immer wieder Dumme, die darauf reinfallen, also warnt euer Umfeld.

Wer nicht selber begreift, dass da was faul ist, dem ist nicht zu helfen. Da wären dann wohl auch alle Warnungen umsonst.

"Es wäre dumm, sich über die Welt zu ärgern. Sie kümmert sich nicht darum." (Marc Aurel)
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Ma_neva gelöscht_211427 „Contra Nepp...“


also alle in irgendeiner Fremdsprache abgefaßten Texte gehen gleich ab in "löschen", ich verstehe nur "Deutsch".
Sogar die über die Herzkorona (vom Arzt als Test sehr ans Herz gelegt) gibt es den Test  auf deutsch nur die nachfolgenden Mail sind wieder auf englisch und daher einfach "weg damit".


Das Genie tut was es muß, das Talent tut was es kann
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