The idiot that designed this notebook decided that it would be a good idea to put this plastic mesh over the bottom vents. Cool, now dust doesn't get in, but neither does like ANY AIR AT ALL.
On battery wear:
Acer decided to source batteries from two different companies; Panasonic, and Sanyo. This would be great and all if the batteries performed the same, but sadly the Panasonic battery likes to exhibit very erratic wear. Some people report 9% battery wear on first boot . To check which battery you have, I suggest Batterycare. Battery care will tell you the model, wear level, and a bunch of other useful info about your battery. So now you are probably like "OH NOES I HAZ PANASONIC!". Well don't worry, not all of the panasonic batteries show this issue. I personally have the panasonic battery, and mine has been at a solid 2% wear for almost 3 weeks now (as of writing).
If it really bothers you, some members on NBR have called Acer, explained the issue to them, and then Acer sent them new Sanyo batteries pretty much without question. The best part? Acer let them keep the old battery. Pretty good service if you ask me.
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